Our Services

  • We will transform your visibility and community engagement by developing and executing revenue-generating marketing programs and initiatives. We’ll engage the community and your audiences with the right message to ensure your content is being distributed through appropriate channels to reach desired targets.

  • We will seamlessly integrate meticulous maritime and naval history research and writing with your mission, business plans, communications, donor pitches, and website to tell your compelling story with clarity and power, build brand awareness and connect your organization to new audiences and resources more effectively.

  • Coordinating with stakeholders, our team will immerse itself in your organization’s history, operations, and unique place in the community to develop strategic and execution plans that are achievable, consistent with your mission and goals, improve operations, and best focus the team and available resources.

  • We will extend your stretched staff’s reach by representing your organization at business meetings, public hearings, trade shows, and fundraisers, as well as participating in partner and special group events so that your team can focus on the most pressing tasks and goals.